
Saturday 18 July 2015

Storm Petrel Session 3 - Rinnagree 15/07/2015

Tonight it was John, Steve and myself in decent conditions - 3 oktas cloud cover, and 4-5 mph easterly.  It remained light to the north until after midnight and by 02.30 it started to brighten in the north-east.     

The view North over the Atlantic Ocean after 11PM
We opened the net at 11.50 with the first birds arriving at 00.35 and the final bird at 02.30, when we closed up.  We managed to get 20 new birds and 2 control birds; again from ring sequences that we do not recognise.  The data was submitted today, so hopefully with the quicker BTO data response system, we will find out soon.

The weather for the next 3/4 days looks poor, so we wont get out again until next week.  For other ringing there may be a short weather window on Sunday morning. 

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