
Friday 17 April 2015

Uni River Site 16/04/2015

John squeezed in a session at the River Site before work this morning and was accompanied by Fred and Gwen.  The nets were opened at 07.30 and closed by 11.15.  It was a cold start but it soon heated up with a cloudless sky.  There were some new arrivals, with the first Sedge Warbler of the year heard and the first three summer Blackcaps ringed.  There was no sign of the Cuckoo heard on campus yesterday evening.

          Blackcap       © JC

It was decent session for the site for mid April; it is better suited to Autumn migration.  The site usually picks up further into the breeding season with a bit of foliage on the trees and when the full compliment of migrants have arrived.

       Reed Bunting     © JC

Ringing Totals 16/04/2015

                             New         Retrap
Blackbird                1                
Blackcap                 3
Dunnock                 2
Long-tailed Tit        1                1
Reed Bunting         1
Robin                      2
Willow Warbler       1

Total                      11                1

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